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About ByHelen

Helen Abbott


If you have landed on this page the chances are that you are here because you or someone you know loves animals and more importantly you are looking to celebrate them with a piece of art. 


I’m told my first book was the ladybird book of pets and apparently I carried it everywhere with me. Did you have animals in your life growing up? Did you wait until you are an adult? Maybe you just simply enjoy spending time with animals ? Or learning about them. I currently have 5 dogs (yes 5, although my excuse is they are a UK vulnerable breed-which they are) as well as a cat. I’ve had cats, dogs, rabbits and was even lucky enough to have a wonderful horse in my life for a time. If you’ve known the love and company of an animal then let me help you to remember them in a personal and completely unique way. 


Although I paint quite traditional paintings, I also paint on vintage music. Do check out the images on my home page to see some of the many examples that are now in their forever homes and view the testimonials from their owners.


If you listen to certain pieces of music I bet you would know exactly where that music was used. Not many people won’t picture Harry Potter when they hear the theme tune played or the Alps when they hear the Sound of Music overture. If you listen to certain classical pieces you may recognise them from adverts. Do you have favourites in your family or ones that have special meaning for family members? In my paintings the music is chosen especially with the subject in mind. Music is very emotional and everyone has memories associated with the many melodies and sounds that are heard. 


You may play an instrument yourself (or did at school!) But music is all around us and you may have a few or many favourite composers, artists or tracks you listen to.   My Grandfather and Gt Grandfather were both military musicians with the Scots Greys (Boer War and World War 1) I learned the violin when I was at school in Yorkshire and now my girls both play and study music at university. If you choose to use music in the painting you commission it will add an extra dimension that other paintings may not have. 


My two daughters are mostly away at university so I have just my husband and King Charles Spaniels (Elsie, Niffler, Bailey, Ethel and Clara) and my cat (Tabitha) for company... and my paints of course ! 


Whether it is a pet portrait commission or an original art work that you are looking for, please ask if you have any questions and don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter. I won’t deluge you with unnecessary emails but I will be sure to give you information on offers and new work before I advertise more widely.

About: Bio
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