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Painting as a community

Being part of a community is what makes us human. We are wired to connect and we need that social connection.

Over the past few months I joined an art society. Not some grandiose one full of professional artists, but a local one with people who just enjoy what they are doing. It's a society that has been going for 70 years and you are met every couple of weeks with friendly conversation . For me .... I have had a lovely lady teach me and a number of others about painting in watercolours. I love being a learner and although I have done watercolour in the past I have never been taught any of the techniques. See the picture above for my last weeks effort !

In addition to the local art society I join a group of people online every couple of weeks to work on our art. We have a common condition which makes life more difficult. My foot surgery left me with CRPS (chronic regional pain syndrome ) At the moment its pretty good and manageable for others its extreme. It's a hidden disability but we are "Painters with Purpose" Most of them are in America but we chat on facebook messenger and share what we are doing. How amazing is it that a community can be achieved like this online?

At the opposite end of the art community that I am a part of is the Association of Animal Artists social every Thursday afternoon. Ok so the first time the very talented Jean Pritchard turned up I don't think I said another word for the whole session!... and probably not that much in the following weeks either (Do go and look at her work she is just amazing) Its a such a lovely afternoon and the highlight of my week to be with other professional artists who are all so talented, some who have other jobs and some who do their hardest to make a living from their art. They are all so lovely to spend time with and to see what they are all working on.

My art community that I am a part of is both local and international. It has people that are professionals as well as new to painting learners but the encouragement and lack of judgement is what makes this special. How lucky am I to have met all these wonderful people ! Nearly 6 months ago I was told that I should find people that share my interests. I think I have done that .

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